Wednesday 28 November 2012

Predict the Dialog

In my last blog entry about the Listening Section, I explained that it is importnat to read the questions before you listen to the audio on the CD. This is good advice. however, it is importnat to do as much as you can when you read the questions. The more we can predict about the dialog or speech we are going to hear, the more likely it is that we will be able to answer the questions well.

For example, take a look at the following question:

We can tell from the vocabulary used in the questions that the two people are going to be talking about a job interview. We see vocabulary like: 'interview' and 'applicant'. If you look at question one, we also see that all of the times are in the morning (or very close). And, we also see a qeustion talking about the afternoon. So, wa can assume that the conversatiopn is about a job interview and then what the people will do after it.

The second set of questions is clearly about a party because we see the word party in each question. We can also guess that there is a problem with this party and that location.

It is of course, always important to look for key words in the questions such as (What/Where/When) and the main verb in each question.

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